Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bet with a Fort Worth Police Officer

I work in an industry where everyone needs to be healthy and are usually following a healthy diet. We are an industry where we need to be in top shape. This is not only for our own good but for the good of our clients. How are we suppose to help others when we can't even help ourselves.

A friend and I were talking about our health and the fact that we needed to lose weight. He wasn't happy that he was out of energy in the middle of his shift. I was not happy about a lot of things about my weight. We both needed to lose weight for different reasons. One thing that binds us together is the fact that we need to lose weight to do our job better.

I have this ultimate fear that I'm going to have to perform CPR on someone. I'm afraid that my stomach would be to big. Or I would be unable to get on my knees to help. Or I would be unable to get up from a kneeling position.

So today Officer M and I made a bet. Each week we will put two dollars in a pot. At the end of the month, whomever has lost the most weight will win the pot. That's a profit of weight loss at ten dollars. Now here is the exciting part. The person who won the pot that month has the option of putting their winnings back in the pot. Kind of a Black Jack double down deal.

I know that I'm really pushing myself to go against a guy. Guys just tend to lose weight faster. They also tend to gain muscle quicker. So it may come to a point where I don't want to play this game anymore.

It's a fun and healthy game while it's still going on though. I have to admit. This Fort Worth Police Officer is already handsome as a teddy bear. I can't wait to see him when he's a lean mean muscle machine. I'm still praying that I win the healthy bet.

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